Safety valve test bench
To ensure the safe and effective operation of the plant, the safety valve test bench plays a crucial role. The GGS pressure test benches have supported the maintenance and repair work of over 1,000 customer plants. We focus on the research and development of performance and safety, driving the production progress of society.
Test Benches
GGS-3100-1 and GGS-3100-L
1. The GGS 3100 series safety valve test bench is capable of performing accurate set pressure testing and seat testing for up to 12″ valves.
2. Suitable for all types of SRV based on international test standards API526, API527, ANSI/API RP576, ensuring reliable results.
3. Equipped with hydraulic automatic clamping and offers significant clamping force, enhancing performance during operations.
4. Various clamping modes allow fast and simple operation, reducing time and manpower.
5. Nitrogen or compressed air as testing source, saving testing cost.

Safety Valve Test Bench Gallery
For more information on safety valve test benches and their capabilities for pressure safety valve testing, please contact us. Our test benches are designed to ensure precise testing of pressure settings, seat performance, and overall safety valve functionality. We offer advanced solutions that comply with international standards, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in your pressure safety valve testing processes.
Product recommendations
Valve inspection
“Discover the GGS-MAQ-400/40BN-C Computer Control Safety Valve Test Bench for precise safety valve testing. Meets international standards with advanced features and reliability. GGS”
“Pioneer Test+ (Pressure Safety Valve Testing Equipment). Specializing in liquid and gas applications, we excel in the precise control and measurement of pressure, temperature, and fluid flow.”